Monday, April 18, 2011

Dear Family and Friends

As some of you know, we are in the process of adopting a baby. We have recently been approved and are now waiting to receive a call that a baby is available to be adopted. Some people have asked why we are doing this, especially since we have two children already. We know that adoption is close to the heart of God and that so many children need a forever family. And, simply put, we believe this is God’s plan for bringing our next child into our family. We are all very excited to welcome this child home! You can read more about our adoption story in earlier posts of this blog.

One reason we are sending this letter is simply to let you know about our adoption. It is encouraging to see that for every family who adopts, more families are encouraged to adopt or to support adoption in some way. We hope that sharing our story will have the same effect! Also, we ask that you please be praying for the estimated 147 millions orphans worldwide.

Another reason we are sending this letter is to let you know about a way you can support adoption. We are raising money to pay for our adoption costs and we have a plan to “recycle” that money for future adoptions. Our adoption costs approximately $15,000. We have paid almost one third of that cost during the approval process, and the rest will be due the day we bring our baby home.

Last year, the federal government approved an adoption tax credit of just over $13,000. This is a great policy that encourages adoption, and we are excited about the possibility of seeing this money multiplied. When we receive our tax credit next year, we will be donating the money that was given for our adoption to our church’s adoption fund. We have already raised $7600 through various fundraising projects, and we are hoping to raise $5400 more, so that our entire tax credit will be given to our church. We are members of City Fellowship Baptist Church in Jackson, TN, and there are several families in our church family who would like to adopt. Here is a link to our church’s adoption web page:

We certainly don’t want you to feel obligated to give financially, but if it is something you would like to do, you can make a donation through PayPal using the button on the side bar.

Or, you can make a tax deductible donation by sending a check directly to our church: City Fellowship Baptist Church, 455 East Main, Jackson, TN 38301. Please make the check out to City Fellowship Baptist Church and write "Roberts Adoption" in the memo line.

Thank you for taking the time to read about our journey. Maybe we will have some exciting news soon!

May God Bless You,

David, Angie, Zach, and Sam

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