Sunday, January 16, 2011

Plate Spinning

Well, I have some answers to the question(s) I posed in my post about the frustrations of motherhood. No one really tried to chime in with an answer, but several people responded letting me know that they "feel it". That was incredibly more encouraging than it would have been to receive a lot of comments containing practical advice regarding housekeeping and mothering. But, in the midst of my pondering/pity party, I believe the Lord used things my friends said, songs I've listened to, reminders of "epiphanies" I've had in the past, and scripture to bring me clarity.

Now that I'm a blogger, I think in blog posts. For example, when something happens, or especially when I stumble upon a discovery, I automatically see it in "blog" form. Kind of an altered reality. It's weird. Anyway, as I've processed this motherhood thing, the "answers" that have recently come my way fit neatly into a three (maybe four) part series of posts, each with a corresponding scripture and source. Perfect. That's how I like it. ; ) I hope you are encouraged as I have been.

Some of you have already heard my plate spinning analogy. Actually, I first heard this analogy from my sister in law, but I stole and embellished it! : ) Goes like this...... You know how a plate spinner's job is to keep a bunch of breakable plates spinning on tall sticks? The goal is to keep them spinning so that none fall, right? And, when one starts to wobble the plate spinner goes to that plate and gives it a spin. But, when he does that another plate starts to wobble, and so on.....(Translation, in case you don't follow... You try to cook a healthy meal for your family, but yell at your kids who are in the kitchen bugging you while you cook. And, as you are kneeling down in the floor to apologize to the three year old for bringing him to tears with your raised voice, dinner burns! You take everyone out to Chick-fil-A to save your sanity, which is out of budget.)

THAT is exactly what I was describing in my post about motherhood. That's what it can feel like to be a mother (or anyone who has a lot of people depending upon her, for that matter.) But, consider this - what if the goal of the plate spinner would be different?

What if the plate spinner was given a variety of plates - including some that were ordinary (from Goodwill, let's say) and some that were precious antique fine china, and all varieties in between. And, what if it was EXPECTED that the plate spinner would drop some plates? And, every time a plate fell he would be handed another (unspecified) plate to start. What if the goal was not to make sure ALL the plates stayed spinning but that he would choose precisely WHICH plates were most valuable and needed his attention at the moment. What if the goal was to keep the precious plates spinning, letting the other plates go?

See? That changes everything, doesn't it? I know that these are some precious "plates" in my life - playing trains with Sam, doing projects with Zach, patiently correcting my kids, being helpful to my husband, going on dates with him, exercising, and having coffee with friends. Then, there are "paper plates" in my life, that I know I should decisively let fall (retrieving the dust bunnies from underneath my bed - does anyone do that?) The problem is, there are some plates that "morph." For example, the laundry/dishes/house is never a precious plate, really, but is an ordinary plate that sometimes holds more value and needs my full attention, because as I am keeping that plate in its course, my precious plates (i.e. family) are also being spun well because they are interconnected. (i.e. clean laundry/dishes/house = a home that is more peaceful and pleasant.) But, other times those plates need to be let go. It takes a lot of wisdom.

Overall, though, it is encouraging just to recognize that all plates (i.e. responsibilities, commitments, tasks, etc) don't carry the same value. And that my task is not to keep them all spinning (which is impossible), but to exercise wisdom in devoting the proper time and energy to the precious plates. AND COMPLETELY RELEASING THE PLATES THAT I MUST LET GO OF (that's where I struggle the most). I believe that God provides this wisdom to all who seek it:

Psalm 90:12-13
"So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love that we may rejoice and be glad all our days."

That second part, I believe, holds the secret to how we fulfill this challenge in the way God intends - with joy. Instead of a plate spinner who is tense, rigid and exhausted, I imagine that the Lord intends for us to spin our plates with ease and pleasure. Less of a workout and more of a dance!

And that, my fellow plate spinners, will be the topic of "part 2" of this series entitled - "Only One Thing is Needed." Because I've learned (but often forget) that being in close communion with God is the only plate that always holds a priceless value!

1 comment:

  1. You are my most wise friend... Thought you should know! Looking forward to our precious plate brunch!
