There's so much I want to say about adoption, so I'll have to try and unload my thoughts in a series of coherent blog posts. But for now one thing sticks out that is most relevant. God has called us to adopt and the primary means He used to make this a reality in our lives is others who have adopted. We have walked through the adoption process very closely with some and from a distance with others. But, every time God used those people to speak to us about adoption, saying to us - adoption is normal. It is not the most "typical" way people grow their family, but it is a normal way to grow a family. It is a beautiful way. We have two sons who are ours biologically. Now we will have a son or daughter who will come to us through adoption. Why? Because God has told us that this is His plan for our next child. It's really that simple.
So, that is the reason this blog exists. All of my reservations about blogging listed above are overcome by the hope that the thoughts we share about our adoption journey might be used by God to encourage others to adopt or support adoption in some way.
People are always asking us if we are excited to be adopting a new baby. Hmmm....The most honest answer right now would be no. I would say my emotions are more complicated than that at this point. We are definitely passionate about adoption. We are steadfast about our calling and sure in our decision. But, we are also very nervous and unsure about what to expect. We often say to each other, "What are we doing?" Right now this whole thing is very intangible. Sometimes we feel like we are crazy.
But then, there are times I experience a strong sense of anticipation and it all makes sense....when I think about our child's face. Of course I have no way of knowing what our child will look like, but sometimes I can see his or her face flash through my mind for an instant -then it's gone. So, I've decided that excitement is an emotion that isn't necessary in terms of motivation. All we need is faith, and God has given us that. That's why I decided to name our blog "Believing is Seeing."
Some of our close friends just brought their daughter home from Ethiopia. My friend wrote a blog post about seeing their baby girl for the first time entitled, "Faith becomes Sight." I'm planning to use that as the name of our post when we announce our baby's arrival. I keep an announcement of that baby girl's homecoming in my kitchen windowsill so I can remember that this process is very real. There is a child at the end of this process. My body isn't changing as we move toward the arrival of our son or daughter, but our faith is growing every day. And, someday that faith will become sight. Then, maybe I won't have to blog anymore! ; )
Your body might not be changing, but your heart is transforming.
ReplyDeleteAs an adoptee, I obviously hold in high regard people who choose to give a future to an innocent being.
God planned for you your child at the formation of the world. It's awesome and magnificent! Definitely something to anticipate and be excited about!
Susan...I hope my words aren't misunderstood when I say I'm not "excited." I just mean that it's more than that, much like it was when we were expecting our first son. Any time I was more nervous than excited, I worried that something was wrong with me.
ReplyDeleteBut in the case of our biological children - it was a done deal. There was really no turning back because the process was in motion and a baby was on it's way. In the case of adoption, we have to be more proactive to keep moving to the next step or nothing moves forward. It takes a lot of resolve. (Which I think that is very significant as it represents the way God was proactive and resolved in adopting us through Christ. But, that's a blog post for another day!) : )
I just hope people know that it's okay to not always feel "giddy" with excitement in the midst of a new and unknown process. I don't want other people to be discouraged about adopting if they have those feelings of uncertainty that seem only natural. I just know that those feelings will be replaced with joy when we see our baby's face! Thanks for coming along with us on our journey - that is a great encouragement!
YAY! So glad you have stepped into blog world. And yes, you will still have to blog once you get your little one:) Can't wait to see how God fulfills His faithfulness & promises to your family & draws others to Himself through this. It is an AMAZING. Sometimes wonderful and sometimes is very hard. I always would ask Chris, "WHAT are we doing? Are we crazy?" God often calls us to the unlikely:)
ReplyDeleteLove that you have a blog...and no pressure...although you have many wonderful and insightful things to say...I am proud of you guys for stepping forward. We also feel called to adoption..its just a matter of time...but I feel God using people like you, Jennifer and many other friends inspiring us to move forward
ReplyDeleteps you know God has been preparing you for the last 13 years! Happy Birthday on Thursday!